Friday, September 6, 2013

While We Were Away

Here are several videos of meaningful moments in Lisi's life.

It's mostly funny things she's doing or baby laughter.

Here she is with her first and dearest form of communication.

What she does when she thinks no one is looking. 

The tiredest baby in the world.

Her love for saving money.
Buzzing makes her happy.

Picking up after herself.


I know, I know. It has been months since I updated the blog. In my defense we have a super old laptop where we upload all of the pictures, but it takes 30 minutes to get online so by the time the pictures were uploaded I wasn't in the mood to blog. This all changed on Saturday, well yesterday, depending on how you want to look at it. On Saturday we went to Best Buy and ordered a computer which came yesterday! In a matter of five minutes I uploaded all of our pictures and I'm ready to go. Instead of catching up on the last 6 months I thought I would just start fresh.

Here's a picture from when Grandma and Grandpa Somers were here a couple of weeks ago. 

Lisi was refusing to take her second nap. All she needed were some grandpa snuggles.