Lisi is almost three weeks old now and I finally decided I should upload our pictures and put them on the blog. So I thought I should start from the beginning!
I had a c-section scheduled a week before Lisi's due date because I had a low lying placenta (sorry to anyone who really didn't want to read that). There was the possibility of a c-section since my 20 week ultra sound so I had time to get used to the fact that in order to have our little girl I would have to go under the knife :) My mom came out for Lisi's birth so Dave and I picked her up from the airport Thursday night and we headed to the hospital Friday morning.
I hadn't really taken too many pregnancy pictures, but here's one right before we left for the hospital.
I felt kind of funny heading to Triage once we were in the hospital. I wasn't sure what exactly I was supposed to tell the Triage desk, "Hello, I'm here for my appointment to have a baby at 10:30"?
But once they took us to a room we played the waiting game for about and hour and a half. They put an IV in, took some blood tests, and made sure they knew every single thing about me.
Around 10:20 they took all of us to the operating room area. Mom and Dave were told to wait in Recovery while they got me all prepped and then Dave was able to come in and keep me company :) I have to say, having a c-section was one of the weirdest experiences ever! For one thing not being able to feel my legs was a little scary so I just had to not think about it. Then it was so weird because the procedure didn't hurt but I could feel my doctor tugging and pulling at me, but I didn't really know what he was doing.
During the procedure there was a nurse by my head who kept telling me we were close to meeting our little girl. A couple minutes later we heard a little cry (okay it wasn't little, she was screaming) and the doctor held Lisi up so Dave and I could see her. Then she was whisked off for her Apgar scores.
Then Dave brought our precious little girl over so we could spend some time as a new family.
I feel so blessed to have Lisi and that she is part of our little family. I had no idea that you could instantly love someone so much!